left image Wave Tracking Software  Battery
Wave Measurement and Wave Generation:

Precision instruments and control systems for wave measurement and wave generation in physical model labs of coastal and offshore engineering industries and research institutions.

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Issue Management Software:

This web based issue tracking software facilitates optimal workflow by prioritization of issues, team communication and accountability, allowing the team to focus on the most critical tasks and providing Managers with a real-time view of work in progress. It is suitable for private or government institutions, and businesses in the manufacturing, education, research, medical, audit, legal, social (human rights) or other fields, the collaboration of individuals (from workers, managers and clients, complainants to respondents) make management a difficult environment to manage. FIT provides a completely customizable solution to manage all of your management needs including the complex interactions and collaboration of resources, documentation and outcomes.

Collaboration is cooperation! This software is an excellent collaborative tool. It is a melding together of all components into a logical flow. It means assessing, planning, coordinating and facilitating the delivery of support and services. It means meeting the needs of those providing services and those who require the services. You can track complex interactions, with a collaboration of all resources, including documentation and eventual outcomes. Issues and tasks can be grouped, reviewed, assigned and resolved without lengthy meetings, allowing more time to be dedicated to dealing with the issues and not simply talking about dealing with the issues.

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Innovative Battery Diagnose & Charging System:

Keeping batteries charged and ready is imperative for military and commercial applications including aircraft engine backup, vehicle starting, and powering electronic equipment. Our NiCad chargers are built to minimize battery stress and charging downtime. Our heavy-duty NiCad Battery Diagnose & Charging System employs superior algorithm can quickly detect battery status to enable operators to be fully aware of the health condition of batteries. With our unique remote-enabled charging technology, charging NiCad batteries over any network from anywhere in the world has become possible.

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